Deeper. Higher. Further.
Since its creation in 1989,
PROMASTER has been the sports watch brand
For people who believe in their potential
And challenge their limits.

They push forward in every field,
Sights set on destinations only they can attain.
Excited by tomorrow’s possibilities,
They transcend the achievements of yesterday,
Spurred on by curiosity and the spirit of adventure.
Forever ready for the next challenge.

To a place beyond your imagination.
The journey never ends.

Save the BEYOND
Now the natural world is under threat. Wild and beautiful places are disappearing fast. Here meet the behind-the-scenes heroes passionate about protecting the planet and securing a sustainable future. What drives them to "save the beyond"? PROMASTER has been the professional sports watch for adventurers and explorers around the world since 1989. We are using Save the Beyond campaign as an opportunity to reflect on how we can support this community in the years ahead.
About Save the BEYOND
Technology & History of PROMASTER
A companion in
meeting challenges
for more than a century.
Determined men and women tackling the most punishing environments to push beyond their limits.
Whether on land, sea, or air, no matter time or circumstance, PROMASTER has backed professionals in their work with safe, consistent support for over 30 years.
Enabling this history is over 100 years of Citizen craftsmanship DNA
coupled with a host of advanced technologies from successfully meeting challenges time and again.